Gammon Drum Set Review – Budget Drums for Adult and Junior

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 by Danny

This Gammon five-piece drum set that is meant for first-time buyers. It is a perfect beginner drum set for anyone who doesn’t want to spend too much money on. While there are many cheap sets, most of them will sound bad and will be quite fragile.

The Gammon, however, is an exception to this. While it doesn’t cost a lot, it still doesn’t sound bad and is quite sturdy. It is thus a perfect platform to learn drumming. There is a gammon adult drum set and a gammon junior drum set. Read this gammon drum set review further on to understand why it deserves this praise.

Gammon Drum Set Review

Gammon Full size Drum Set

This is one great practice kit as it sits. The sound isn’t good enough for stages and gigs but should be great for you to learn and have fun at home. It does sound good and is actually sturdy enough to last a few years. You will, therefore, be able to practice for long durations without losing motivation in it. This is a gammon adult kit, so it is meant for someone who is taller than five feet.

  • Reasonably priced
  • Assembly is easy as the it comes with printed instructions and a CD with video instruction
  • Stable structure that can handle hard-hitting plays
  • Sound is good for a basic set and can be tuned
  • The seat is quite small and uncomfortable
  • It comes completely disassembled, so it’ll take two to three hours to put it together.
  • Lugs used to tune the heads are tight and difficult to adjust
  • The Bass has slight vibrations
  • The cymbals sound cheap and wobble when they are hit

How does it Sound?

The Gammon probably features the best sound drums in its price range. If you think you aren’t satisfied with the sound, you could easily tune it to make it sound good.

While tuning might seem daunting at the start, it is quite simple and one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get better sounding drums. With tuning the Gammon can actually be made to sound pretty decent. 

The only major issue with this product is its cymbals, they simply do not sound that good. However, it is important that you understand that drum manufacturers typically don’t make cymbals. Check out any higher-end kits and you’ll see that they do not include cymbals.

You should just be glad that you actually got cymbals along with this set. The one good thing about the cymbals is that the hi-hat sounds quite a lot better than the crash, this is a good thing because you tend to use your hi-hat way more frequently than your crash.

However, if you feel you actually deserve cymbals that sound good, you can easily purchase a cymbal pack separately and replace the stock ones with it. 

Is it Sturdy Enough?

While you can not expect the highest quality at its price point the hardware that comes along with this kit is actually pretty solid, it should comfortably last you a few years without any issues.

It will be able to take a thrashing without being bent or damaged. If one takes proper care of it and does not perform acrobatics with it, this Gammon kit should last a long time.

Like with any other set, the drum heads will be worn out pretty soon. A typical head will only last a few months and should be replaced. While you can play with a worn out head just fine, it just won’t sound nice.

You can use this as an opportunity to upgrade your Gammon drum set with good quality drums heads to get a better sounding drum set.

The stool, however, is not that great. While it is ok at the start, it tends to wobble after some time. The stool is also not that big nor is it quite comfortable. 

My Verdict on Gammon Percussion Adult 5 Piece Drum Set

The Gammon drum set is not the greatest however it is a perfect starting point for anyone who wants to learn drumming. It is simply way ahead on quality and features when compared to similarly priced starter kits.

You get pretty good hardware and shells and you can always upgrade the heads and cymbals if you want in the future. It sounds good and should last you until you decide to buy a better sounding set. It is thus a low-cost way of learning drumming and knowing if you are actually interested in it.

Gammon Junior Drum Set Review

If you want to buy junior drum sets for your kid who is below five feet tall, there are one too many options in the marketplace. However, you should realize that the majority of these are no more than mere toys. They usually aren’t built well and lack many parts such as hi-hats.

If your child gets used to not having a hi-hat, it’ll be hard for them to transition to a full-size set. If you really want your child to properly learn to drum, it is best to provide them with a set that is small but a full drum set that is set up exactly like an adult drum set.

That’ll make the learning process smoother and your child will not be complaining about the extra drums and cymbals. This Gammon junior drum set that’s set up like an adult kit and will thus fulfill these criteria.

Does this Gammon Junior drum set Worth it?

The Gammon Junior is only meant to serve one purpose, it’s supposed to be a learning platform that will allow your child to enjoy drumming. One can comfortably say that these drums do fulfill their purpose pretty well. 


You need a drum set that is sturdy as you want your child to go all out on the drums without having to worry about it breaking apart. The Gammon junior is one such product that can handle your child’s rough playing. While the hardware is not the best in the world, it should be able to last a long time if it’s not mishandled often. However, if your child tries to jump on the stool or sit on drums, the stand might not last very long. The heads are actually of great quality for junior drum set and should last you years.

Visual Appeal?

As any parent would know, visual appeal is one of the biggest factors for kids. The Gammon junior kit is available in pink, red, blue, and black finishes. The shiny finish does look good under lights. Any kid will want to pick out drums in their favorite color and will actually be more likely to play when they like the drum’s color. So before you pick out a product, make sure that you ask your child what color they would prefer.

Sounding Good?

If you buy drums that sound bad, your child will lose interest in drumming very quickly. A good sounding drum set is thus crucial if you want your child to continue learning drums. The kit comes with pretty good heads. However, you will need to tune the drums properly if you want them to sound good. This should not be an issue as tuning these drums isn’t that hard.

Now, coming to the cymbals. They actually are pretty bad. However, you are not going to get better sounding cymbals even if you purchase some other kit. The only way you are going to get good sounding cymbals is if you buy a quality pack of cymbals.

However, buying good quality cymbals will increase your overall budget by a significant amount. The good thing about buying cymbals separately is that they will sound great and will last you many years.

However, do not fuss too much about cymbals as most children just want to make noise and don’t really care about how good their cymbal sounds.

My Verdict on Gammon Junior

The Gammon junior is an incredible option for anyone who wants a drum set for their child. It costs very less and provides probably one of the best built junior drum set.

It will provide everything your child requires from a learning drum set, it sounds good, looks nice, and can take quite a beating. While the kit is bound to last you a long time, you’ll probably need to change it in a few years.

This isn’t because of the drum’s quality, but rather that your child will be too big for it in a few years. However, until that point, this kit will serve its purpose without falling short.


To conclude this gammon drum set review, the gammon drum sets are probably one of the best deals you can get on beginner kits. Both the full size and junior drum set sound pretty decent cost very less, and are sturdy. This makes the kit a perfect platform for you to begin learning with.

While the drum does have some drawbacks, one won’t be able to get a better kit than it unless you are ready to spend a significantly higher amount of money.

So, whether you are looking to start your drumming journey or if you want to buy your child their first drum set, the Gammon drum set is simply one option you cannot ignore. We hope that this gammon drum set review was useful to you.

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